October 15, 2010

What's Been Going On

I just realized that I never told you what happened after my Phantom of the Opera auditions.  (I did tell you that I auditioned, didn't I?)  So, I auditioned and I sang "Show Me" from My Fair Lady.  Given that this was my first time auditioning - ever - I think I did pretty well (the workshop helped), and no, I didn't get in.  I'm not surprised, really, after all, this is one of the first times a college has ever done a show of Phantom.  And I wasn't disappointed either, really.  Now, having seen how many practices those poor people have, I know it's a good thing that I didn't make it it.  Well, make it into the cast, anyhow.

So after that, I tried out for a different play and didn't get in that one either.  (I went to see it tonight, and it was AWESOME!)  I was a bit upset about that... but then I got an e-mail from the theater department asking for people to join the crew for Phantom.  Needless to say, I jumped at the chance and ended up being the crew head for hair design!  Yes, I get to design the hair-styles for The Phantom of the Opera, one of the first college performances ever. 

The performances won't be for another couple of weeks still and I will be sure to let you know how it goes!  Right now they've started full run throughs and I was able to sit in on part of it.  It was their first time through the whole thing almost non stop, but from the looks of it, I think it will be absolutely marvelous.


  1. Ooooh, doing the hair is so cool! Will you show us pictures of the styles you create?


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