November 28, 2007
November 26, 2007
Not all Compasses Point in the Right Direction
Very soon a movie entitled "The Golden Compass" will be shown in theaters. This movie is based on the first book of a trilogy entitled "His Dark Materials" that was written by Phillip Pullman. Mr. Pullman is a noted English atheist and his objective is to bash Christianity and promote atheism to kids. Hence his stories appeal to kids, but with a sinister objective. In these books God is not the Almighty but a powerful "angel" who has deceived the world. In an interview, Pullman said, "I don't know whether there is a God or not. Nobody does, no matter what they say."
I certainly do not want to excite your curiosity about this film. As you parochial administrator, I only want to save you from an occasion of sin and to discourage you from supporting a production that is contrary to our Catholic beliefs. Our goal should be to use the media in helping our children grow in their knowledge of Catholic beliefs and morals.
Kudos to Father Ariel, pastor of the parish I attend for writing the article in the weekly bulletin! If only all pastors would warn their parishioners about 'occasions of sin'. And not just near occasions of sin, but occasions of sin! I have seen a preview for this movie and it is disturbing that they are trying to make it appear like "The Chronicles of Narnia" and the "Lord of the Rings" by showing animals helping the main character; and the preview opening with the words "From the producers who brought you Middle-Earth".
I won't go into more detail since many of you have already heard about this terrible film, but in case you haven't, follow this link to a great website explaining in further detail what is wrong with this production.
So head over to to read more.
November 25, 2007
Christ the King
O Jesus Christ,
I acknowledge Thee as universal King.
All that has been made,
has been created for Thee.
Exercise all Thy rights over me.
I renew my baptismal vows,
renouncing Satan, his pomps and his works;
and I promise to live as a good Christian.
In particular do I plege myself to labor,
to the best of my ability,
for the triumph of the rights of God and Thy Church.
Divine Heart of Jesus,
to Thee do I proffer my poor services,
laboring that all hearts may acknowledge Thy Sacred Kingship,
and that thus the reign of Thy peace
be established throughout the whole universe.
Prayer found on
November 20, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving!

November 18, 2007
Word of Wisdom
~ G.K. Chesterton
Because it's Hunting Season

Once at the hunting area, he got his wife set up in her own tree stand, and told her, "Now you just sit up here real quite like, and shoot at whatever comes along. If you need any help, start firing into the air and yell at the top of your lungs." Leaving her, he walked away to his own tree stand.
He had just got out of site of his wife, when he heard a loud volley of shots coming from behind and his wife yelling, "Get away from my deer!" Alarmed, he ran back as fast as he could, stopping short at the sight that met his eyes.
His wife was firing off rounds of shot, still yelling "Get away from my deer!" A man with a large cowboy hat was hiding behind a tree, trying to dodge the shots. Finally he held up his hands and called out in a reassuring voice, "Ma'am, ya can have your deer, but can I get my saddle off of it first?"
November 17, 2007
Quote on the Eucharist

November 16, 2007
About the links
Trinity Property Investments. How could I not put my dad's website on my blog? If you or someone you know is interested in renting to own, or finding out what renting to own is... head on over and check it out. (The web page was designed by my lovely mother.)
Fairy Tale Novels by Regina Doman. This is a link to the website of my most favorite books ever. The Fairy Tale novels are currently a trilogy of novels, modern day re-tellings of classic fairy tales. The last one, "Waking Rose", is my absolute favorite, probably since I can relate to the main character the best. The previous title are "The Shadow of the Bear" (Snow White and Rose Red), and "Black as Night" (Snow White and the Seven Dwarves). "Waking Rose" is based on the tale of Sleeping Beauty.
Lily Maiden is a blog by my very good friend, Claire Halbur. I enjoy reading her blog, and I have been inspired by her beautiful writings many times!
Rosa Mystica Modesty Movement. This is the official site of the modesty movement started by Claire Halbur, authoress of the aforementioned blog, Lily Maiden.
November 15, 2007
Who I am...