September 20, 2013

Seven Very Quick Takes


These are going to be super quick quick takes as I'm blogging on my lunch break right now.  I'm even going so far as to cheat and make my intro into today's blog post one of the quick takes. I'm resourceful/sneaky like that.


While it may not feel like it outside (it got to NINETY degrees yesterday!!! 90 degress!!!! Thank heavens it was a one day deal and is now 76) I am so excited that pumpkin season has returned!  I'm planning on stocking up on several cans of pumpkin to have on hand for smoothies and baked good and maybe a homemade pumpkin latte or two.


Apparently there are marketing companies out there who like to change their name and sometimes location every year and hire bodies to do their marketing and sales and drive all over creation.  Found that out first hand this week.  Ah well, at least I accidentally applied to the same job twice and after ending up with two identical interviews being scheduled, decided to look into this a little further.


WHY HAVE I NEVER LISTENED TO MICHAEL BUBLE BEFORE???  I grabbed his latest CD on a whim while I was at the library yesterday and AHHH.  Tell me, oh listeners of this fantastic singer, are all of his albums as swing and big band and awesome as this one is?


Have a laugh ^_^  I did!


I had the opportunity to go hear Jason Evert speak the other night.  WOW, what an amazing talk.  He is a very funny, very real and very relateble speaker and I was going to take notes but I couldn't because I was too busy listening.  Most awesome part of the evening?  He had a table of books and CD's and everything was FREE.  It was great.  I quickly grabbed 4 copies of How to Find Your Soulmate without Losing your Soul to give to friends, two copies of If You Really Loved Me, 3 copies of Authentic Manhood and a copy of three different talks.  Hurray for free stuff!


Spell check is always telling me that I'm spelling "hurray" wrong, and that it should in fact be spelled "hurrah".  I disagree.  "Hurrah" is an entirely different sound than "hurray" and now that I'm analyzing them neither one looks even remotely like a word so whatever. I'm going to spell hurray however I want.

1 comment:

  1. I definitely agree about "hurray" and "hurrah." VERY different!


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