January 30, 2015

Hurray for Friday!

1.  Well, I didn't win the Sheenazing Award - this year at least!  But Eunice and Becca over at Faith & Peanut Butter did, and they are a pretty amazing little blog, and totally deserved it.  So go on over and check them out, and thank you so much to anyone who voted for me.  Hopefully I'll be in the running again next year!

2. I finally finished reading Sister R's book... which means a review is coming!  Sometime... soonish.... I am admittedly not the best at writing good reviews, so I'll probably procrastinate until she bugs me enough.  But for now, I will say that I think she did a great job, and I am very proud of my little sister!

3. Speaking of little sisters, I realized today that my youngest sister, Sis MR is only four inches shorter than me.  How, and when, did that happen?  Little sisters aren't supposed to grow up...

4. In my professional development class, we started talking about goals and where we want to go in our lives, and ended up creating vision boards as a homework assignment.  I elected to do mine on Pinterest because, duh, much less work than printing out pictures and taping them to a poster board that would probably end up in the corner of my basement and then ruined next time we got a lot of rain and the basement flooded. Anyhow.  It was a fun project, and made me think about where exactly I want to go with my life, what is important to me, and what I want to do and accomplish.  You can take a look if you'd like!
Follow Amanda's board Vision Board on Pinterest.

5,  I just found a recipe for 5-Minute Healthy Strawberry Frozen Yogurt and decided to try it out. I used mixed berries for mine, and then sprinkled it with coconut... it's pretty good!

Happy Friday!

1 comment:

  1. It's so weird... I love writing movie reviews and they come really easy to me, but when it comes to books, MAN. IT'S SO HARRRRD. I don't know why. Looking forward to reading a copy of your sissy's book, though! Happy... belated Friday!

    The Starving Inspired


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