April 29, 2008
My 100th post!
Just a quick note...
April 28, 2008
Random Thoughts...
A few weeks ago, I submitted a poem of mine on the Civil War to a poetry contest, hosted by a local library. Last week I was called and informed that I had won First Place for my grade level! I was so excited, I forgot to tell my father I had won. ={ He found out the day before the poetry reading at the library. Ahem, anyhow... when we got there, each of the first place winners read there poems, we were told that there had been over 100 poems submitted, and then I found out I had won 2nd place overall! And no, I did NOT forget to tell my dad that, because he was right there. I was very excited, even more so when I totaled all the prize money. ;) That’s it for the excitement folks. Now for serious stuff…
Yesterday we went to the First Holy Communion of my dad’s cousin’s son. We opted to go to that Mass, instead of going to our usual Mass and just the party, but we should have known better. Think typical upper class influenced modern day American Mass and church, and you can pretty much get the picture. The sad thing was that the homily was great; the priest spoke to the first communicants, telling them exactly who was coming to them, and he seemed to really believe what he said, but when it came time for the consecration, the lack of respect for what was going on at that moment, that moment when Christ becomes truly present in the Holy Eucharist was just appalling. We desperately need to pray for the return of reverence at Mass! The return of beautiful churches may indeed play an important part in that, because far from being distracted by an ornate church, it reminds me who is living there. A plain church, with no focal point or statues anywhere in sight, hardly makes you think of the Divine Person who dwells there! Lest my thoughts turn into ranting, I shall leave this topic for a more appropriate time, perhaps its own post…
The party though, was very nice.
The rest of my past week has been schoolwork (done with one subject!) baby-sitting my younger siblings at least once a day while my mom leaves. (I think she’ll be home this week!) and crocheting things that I am supposed to be selling somewhere in the future (Where?????) Now for the announcements…
Here Ye Here Ye! This is an announcement for the praying of 1 Million Rosaries For Unborn Babies on May 3rd simultaneously! Please join in this endeavor to pray for all unborn children, by registering HERE and clicking HERE to find the starting time for your time zone. Let us all join in praying for the end to abortion! Spread the word, sign up to pray, and then pray with your whole heart on Saturday, May 3rd!
April 26, 2008
We started watching Gods and Generals tonight, and I remembered how much I love the opening song "Going Home", sung by Mary Fahl. It is so beautiful! I was searching the web for the music video of it (beautiful as well,) when I found this video of a ...person... who figured out how to play the song on the piano! (There is no sheet music for it. :(
I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!
Oh, and the second one is the same person playing the main theme from Gettysburg. (Love that song as well!) Sadly, there is no sheet music for that song either... mayhaps, if I watch these videos enough, I shall figure it out. One can hope anyways!
By the way, I have tried singing "My Country 'Tis of Thee" to the tune of the main theme, and it sounds very nice! The words and the melody go very well together.
And I did find the music video, so I shall post that within the next year, along with another video that was really beautiful as well! (I just discovered how to put videos on my blog, so you may see a lot of them for a while!) =) Good Night!
April 24, 2008
Prince Caspian is Coming!
April 22, 2008
Guess the Quote!
April 21, 2008
Events of Pope Benedict's Visit: April 20th

NEW YORK (CNS) -- In the most somber moment of his six-day visit to the United States, Pope Benedict XVI knelt alone at ground zero and offered a silent prayer. The cheering crowds were far away as the pope blessed the ground where the World Trade Center stood until terrorists forced planes into its twin towers Sept. 11, 2001. Read the rest...

Build on 'Impressive Legacy' of U.S. Church, Pope Urges at Final Mass
NEW YORK (CNS) -- Honoring the bicentennial of four U.S. archdioceses, Pope Benedict XVI praised the "solid foundations" of the American Catholic Church and said "the future of the church in America" must continue to build on that "impressive legacy." But in his homily for the final Mass of his April 15-20 U.S. visit, the pope also said the "impressive growth" of the U.S. church has been "not without its challenges," comparing those challenges to the "linguistic and cultural tensions" found in the early church. Read the rest...
NEW YORK (CNS) -- At Yankee Stadium, transformed into an open-air church April 20, Pope Benedict XVI urged more than 57,000 Catholics to "move forward with firm resolve" in continuing the legacy of faith set in motion by the country's first Catholics. "Follow faithfully in the footsteps of those who have gone before you!" he told the stadium congregation on a cool, breezy and overcast afternoon. Read the rest...
Click Here to read the Holy Father's Homily from Sunday's Mass.

Mr. Vice-President,
Distinguished Civil Authorities,
My Brother Bishops,
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
The time has come for me to bid farewell to your country. These days that I have spent in the United States have been blessed with many memorable experiences of American hospitality, and I wish to express my deep appreciation to all of you for your kind welcome. It has been a joy for me to witness the faith and devotion of the Catholic community here. Read the rest...

Articles and photos found on the EWTN and official Papal Visit Websites.
April 20, 2008
Events of Pope Benedict's visit: April 19th

NEW YORK (CNS) -- Hours before Pope Benedict was scheduled to travel along Fifth Avenue people began lining the barricaded route hoping to get just a glimpse of him. A group of students from Ave Maria University just outside Naples, Fla., waited five hours in a spot right in front of St. Patrick's Cathedral, where the pope celebrated a morning Mass for clergy and religious April 19. Read the rest...
All articles found on http://www.uspapalvisit.org/
April 19, 2008
Events of Pope Benedict's Visit: April 18th

UNITED NATIONS (CNS) -- Neither government nor religion has a right to change or limit human rights, because those rights flow from the dignity of each person created in God's image, Pope Benedict XVI said. In his April 18 speech to the U.N. General Assembly, the pope insisted that human rights cannot be limited or rewritten on the basis of national interests or majority rule. But he also said the role of religions is not to dictate government policy, but to help their members strive to find the truth, including the truth about the dignity of all people even if their religious views are different. Read the rest...
NEW YORK (CNS) -- In a brief, movingly simple visit to a New York synagogue, Pope Benedict XVI expressed his respect for the city's Jewish community and encouraged the building of "bridges of friendship" between religions. The encounter April 18 marked the first time a pope has visited a Jewish place of worship in the United States, and it came a day before the start of the Jewish Passover. Read the rest...
NEW YORK (CNS) -- Using unusually strong words for an ecumenical prayer service, Pope Benedict XVI said the witness of Christians in the world is weakened not only by their divisions, but also by some communities turning their backs on Christian tradition. "Communion with the church in every age," he said, is needed particularly "at the time when the world is losing its bearings and needs a persuasive common witness to the saving power of the Gospel." Read the rest...
April 18, 2008
Events of Pope Benedict's Visit: April 17th

WASHINGTON (CNS) -- Celebrating Mass in a Washington baseball stadium, Pope Benedict XVI urged U.S. Catholics to renew their missionary energy at a time when American society is at a moral crossroads. The pope warned of "signs of a disturbing breakdown in the very foundations of society" and said people need the church's message of hope and fidelity to the demands of the Gospel. Read the rest...
Catholic University students thrilled to welcome pope 'on our turf'
WASHINGTON (CNS) -- The pope doesn't visit a U.S. college campus very often. So when four seniors at The Catholic University of America heard that Pope Benedict XVI was coming to their campus, the roommates knew they wanted to witness it. So they arrived on the lawn behind the Columbus School of Law shortly before 10 a.m. April 17 to wait for the papal arrival on campus some seven hours later. Read the rest
Pope urges U.S. Catholic educators to lead students to deeper faith
WASHINGTON (CNS) -- Pope Benedict XVI urged U.S. Catholic educators April 17 not to simply transmit knowledge to their students but to bring them to a deeper understanding of faith "which in turn nurtures the soul of a nation." "A particular responsibility ... for each of you, and your colleagues, is to evoke among the young the desire for the act of faith, encouraging them to commit themselves to the ecclesial life that follows from this belief," he told more than 400 Catholic college presidents and diocesan education representatives at The Catholic University of America. Read the rest...
April 17, 2008
Events of Pope Benedict's visit: April 16th

WASHINGTON (CNS) -- At 5:21 a.m., the disc jockey on a country music radio station in Fredericksburg, Va. -- 50 miles south of Washington -- invited listeners to join her in singing "Happy Birthday" to Pope Benedict XVI. On the South Lawn of the White House, dignitaries, bishops and guests joined in an impromptu rendition of the song. Later, opera star Kathleen Battle led the song again, and the pope blew out candles on a four-tier cake. Read more...
WASHINGTON (CNS) -- With the formal greetings out of the way, Pope Benedict XVI and President George W. Bush got down to serious business during their historic White House meeting April 16 -- the exchanging of presents. On his 81st birthday, the pontiff received a lead crystal cross sculpture and a collection of American classical and religious compact discs from the president... Read more.
WASHINGTON (CNS) -- In a meeting at the White House, Pope Benedict XVI and President George W. Bush discussed the problem of terrorism and how to confront it while respecting human rights. The two leaders also expressed their joint concern for the protection of human life, marriage and the family, according to a statement issued after a private meeting April 16. They also prayed for the institution of the family. Read the rest...
WASHINGTON (CNS) -- For the U.S. ambassador to the Vatican, the meeting between Pope Benedict XVI and President George W. Bush was a proud day for Americans. "It was wonderful to have this great world religious leader express his appreciation for so many things we take for granted," Mary Ann Glendon told Catholic News Service April 16. Read the rest...
April 16, 2008
Happy 81st Birthday Papa!

Buon compleanno!
A Very Happy 81st Birthday to Pope Benedict XVI!
April 15, 2008
He's Here!

Hope Springs Eternal
The (non) Iprotmncae of Seplilng
April 13, 2008
A Call to Arms...
The Official Decision...
The people have spoken! My old pink template is generally preferred over the lighthouse template, most often for the reason that it is more "me". (Really, do I look pink to you?) Soooooo, since very few people like this one, and I don't really care for either of them, what do you all think of THIS ONE? *Holds up template next to face* Does this one look more like 'me'?
Again, NO LUKEWARMNESS. You like it or you don't. End of Story. =) "Done, you call me tomorrow. You know where I live." (I've watched "Cars" to many times, now I'm even quoting it on my blog!)
April 12, 2008
The Begining and the End: April 12th 1861 and 1865

The following account is taken from the April 20th, 1861 edition of the Harper's Weekly. Found on Son-of-the-south.net.
On Friday, 12th, at 27 minutes past 4 A. M., General Beauregard, in accordance with instructions received on Wednesday from the Secretary of War of the Southern Confederacy, opened fire upon Fort Sumter. Forts Johnson and Moultrie, the iron battery at Cumming's Point, and the Stevens Floating Battery, kept up an active cannonade during the entire day, and probably during the past night. The damage done to Fort Sumter is stated by the Confederate authorities to have been considerable. Guns had been dismounted, and a part of the parapet swept away.
Major Anderson had replied vigorously to the fire which had been opened upon him, but the Charleston dispatches represent the injury inflicted by him to have been but small. The utmost bravery had been exhibited on both sides, and a large portion of the Charleston population, including five thousand ladies, were assembled upon the Battery to witness the conflict.
Down to our latest advices, the battle had been carried on solely by the batteries of the revolutionists and Fort Sumter. The Harriet Lane, Captain Faunce, the Pawnee, and another United States vessel, were said to be off the harbor, but had taken no part in the conflict. The Harriet Lane is said to have received a shot through her wheel-house.
The opinion prevailed in Charleston that an attempt would be made during the night to reinforce Fort Sumter by means of small boats from the three vessels seen in the offing.
No one had been killed by the fire of Major Anderson, and the casualties among the Confederate troops in the batteries were inconsiderable. There is, of course, no account of the loss, if any, among the garrison of Fort Sumter.

April 12th, 1865 - The Army of Northern Virgina formally surrenders to the Army of the Potomac. This account is taken from "The Passing of the Armies", by General Joshua L. Chamberlain, the commander who oversaw the ceremony.
It was now the morning of the 12th of April. I had been ordered to have my lines formed for the ceremony at sunrise. It was a chill gray morning, depressing to the senses. But our hearts made warmth. ...We formed along the principal street, from the bluff bank of the stream to near the Court House on the left - to face the last line of battle, and receive the last remnant of the arms and colors of that great army which ours had been created to confront for all that death can do for life. We were remnants also...
Instructions had been given; and when the head of each division column comes opposite our group, our bugle sounds the signal and instantly our whole line from right to left... gives the soldier's salutation, from the "order arms" to the old "carry" - the marching salute.
...As each successive division masks our own, it halts, the men face inward towards us across the road, twelve feet away; then carefully "dress" their line.... The field and staff take their positions in the intervals of regiments; generals in read of their commands. They fix bayonets, stack arms; then, hesitatingly, remove cartridge-boxes and lay them down. Lastly, - reluctantly, with agony of expression, - they tenderly fold their flags, battle-worn and torn, blood-stained, heart holding colors, and lay them down...
And only the Flag of the Union greets the sky!
April 9, 2008
What Happened on April 9th, 143 years ago....

April 5, 2008
Either - Or
I am trying out a new background, in case you didn't notice, and I would be interested in your input. Which do you prefer? Cast your votes in the poll to your left (everything is on the left now!) and explain if you would the reason for your choice in the comment box. I will not accept "Well, I like both, soooo it's really up to you which one you like, 'cause both of them are very nice, and I like both of them, it's hard to choose, blah, blah, blah." I cannot stand those kinds of answers, so if you can't say straightforwardly "I like this one over that one", then please remain silent! (This is also an exercise in preventing lukewarm-ness.) Thank you for your imput!
Ps. you have 1 week to vote!
April 3, 2008
Civil War All Stars
Manager - U.S. Grant. Has good success with the two-platoon system; has developed well-balanced team. Possibly a bit lax in enforcing training rules.
First Base-"Cump" Sherman. Watch this boy burn up the base paths. Reminds old timers of the "Georgia Peach" Good at digging them out of the dirt; consistent hitter. Not popular with all fans.
Second Base - George Meade. Good pivot man. Team captain. Always dangerous at the plate. Would attract more attention with a favorable press.
Third Base -"Fighting Joe" Hooker. Whiffs a lot since he was beaned at Chancellorsville. Plenty of natural ability; sometimes clutches under pressure. Good power, but a sucker for an outside curve.
Shortstop - "Phil" Sheridan. Larcenous base runner. Able to go from either side. Real sparkplug of team's offense. Dangerous in the clutch.
Right Field - "Speedy" Burnside. a real "wall climber," which led to injuries last season at Fredericksburg. Has developed a rifle arm. Led the league in strike-outs last season.
Center Field - Jim Wilson. One of the least publicized players in the league. A strong arm and plenty of speed. A good pull hitter. Candidate for rookie of the year.
Left Field - George McClellan. Plenty of natural ability, but slow on the base paths. Probably brought up from the minors too soon.
Catcher-"Rocky" Thomas. Real key to team defense. Good arm; plenty of power. Base runners don't take chances with this one.
Pitcher -"Win" Hancock. Fireballer; tough with runners on base. The best of a weak staff.
Pitcher - Bill Rosecrans. Has good stuff, but experiences difficulty staying ahead of the batter.
Pitcher - "Chief" Custer. Rookie of the year his first full season in the majors. Hasn't been the same since the last series with the Indians!
Middle Relief-"Come to Papa" John Buford. Good with the changeup, continually has batters chasing the Seminary Sinker Ball, a favorite of his.
Closer- Joshua Chamberlain. Calls his overpowering fast ball the swinging gate. Been known to use the inside portion of the plate with great advantage, some cases beaning opposing hitters.
Confederate All Stars
Manager - Robert E. Lee. Aggressive; not afraid to take risks. Lee gets along well with both the players and the front office, but who was it that said "Nice guys don't finish first?"
First Base - "Frenchie" Beauregard. Slick fielder. Has tendency to swing at bad pitches. Has never quite lived up to preseason notices.
Second Base - "Joe Johnston. Good field, no hit. Can make the double play. Has been peddled to several clubs because of his uncertain temperament.
Third Base - "Texas John" Hood. Good at the hot corner; hangs tough at the plate. Provides plenty of batting muscle when not on disabled list.
Shortstop - "Jeb" Stuart. Can play any position, best at short. Good range, often hits for the circuit. A real crowd pleaser.
Right Field - "Ranger" Mosby. Hits well to all fields; excels at hit and run. Really shines when playing in his own field.
Center Field - "Wizard" Forrest. A tough competitor. Covers lots of ground in center. Can hit the long ball. An umpire baiter.
Left Field - "Bill" Hardee. A real student of the game. Dangerous at the plate. One of the most underrated players in either league.
Catcher - "Pete" Longstreet. A steady influence. Plenty of power at the plate a tough competitor and a good pull hitter. Seems to have trouble hitting in Yankee Stadium.
Pitcher - "Stonewall" Jackson. Best righthander in the league. Blazing fast ball. Uses dust-off pitches. Can usually go the route. Chances for a successful year may well rest on Jackson's arm.
Pitcher - "Brax" Bragg. Control pitcher; good for a couple of innings. Would probably work better on a different club.
Pitcher - A. S. "Mormon" Johnston. Master of the curve ball, but sometimes has trouble with control.
Middle Relief - A.P."Red" Hill. Good set-up man when his temper doesn't get in his way. Refuses to pitch when Longstreet is catching. Sometimes feuds with other pitchers.
Closer - "Baldy Ewell" Capable fast baller. Has trouble reading signals, sometimes has problems with power hitters.
April 1, 2008
Little House on the TV
My family has read all but two of the Little House books out loud, and as individuals we have read each read them countless times on our own. We love them! We also love the TV seires. We were introduced to them when a family we know gave us the DVD's for the second season, saying that while they were good movies, it just wasn't the Little House they knew. Which it isn't. (For one thing, Pa is missing his beard. =0 )
But it is very close. There still is Mary, Laura, Carrie, Grace, Jack the dog, even Freddy, Laura's little brother most people don't know about because he died. They live in Plum Creek (true), but never move permenantly away (not true). Which is just fine, because after two episodes we fell in love with Walnut Grove and would never have forgiven them if they (The Ingalls) had up and left. Keeping the family in Walnut Grove also provides the benefit of a set, secure, backdrop for the characters' adventures and trials. Really, the most glaring differences between the books and the TV shows is that 1) they stay in Walnut Grove and 2) Pa has no beard! (I know I mentioned already but really, Pa without a beard!) 3) A lot of the things they do never happend to the real Ingalls family, but could have.
So differences aside, they really are a great series to watch! One of the Ingalls is always at the center, with the ever obnoxious Mrs. Olsen (along with Nellie and Willy) providing both villians and comic relief. (Though they aren't the only funny ones by far.) We have so far collected the first four seasons (which means 24 discs and 76 hours of Little House combined.) But we have yet to get tired of Little House on the Prairie
Why? Because no two episodes are the same. The little booklets that come along give some description, but that only causes the suspense to increase, you can never tell quite how an episode will end! We've laughed, we've cried, we've screamed and closed our eyes... (that does rhyme, right?) , we've crawled up the back of the couch with fear (Like that time we were convinced Ma was going to chop her leg off, even though we'd seen the season after and she still had two legs). People die (they drown, get blown up, burn, all that good stuff, oh and they die peacfully too.) but never on screen (that's fine with us!), people are born, they make us proud and they thoroughly embaress us at times for varying reasons, and they are never boring!
Finally, they are so much better than the stuff that's on TV nowadays: all those reality tv shows and the like. Little House on the Prairie is more real then those shows anyhow. (Though realistically speaking, you would expect them to make some money sometime. Everytime a good crop comes along, so does the hail and the rain, or, not the rain. Pa finally inherits some money, guess what it is! Confederate money! Can't use it!) Their money situation or lack thereof does go to show that no matter how poor you are, as long as you are with a family that loves you and good faithful friends, you are the richest man in Walnut Grove!
Also, unlike modern tv shows and movies, these kids never get away with disobedience, defiance of proper authority or lying, cheating, stealing or anything of the sort. They might be convinced that they are doing a bad thing for a good cause, but something disasterous will happen to show them that good will not come of being bad. They repent, get punished, life goes on.
In summary, while they are different from the books, the pros outweigh the cons. Personally, I'd much rather watch a good, clean, old-fashioned Little House on the Prairie movie, where virtues are extolled and families are cherished, than watch anything otherwise on modern tv.
Anyone else want to hop on the wagon?