November 15, 2009


Yes my dear and beloved blog readers, two years ago today I hit the fatal "Create Blog Button" and history was made!

It seems like only yesterday that I was typing up my one year anniversary post... and the day before that I was typing up my introduction! How time flies!

I have a couple things planned in celebration. First is a lovely new header made by Earwen. Second is two polls to kind of give me an idea what y'all think o' me little blog. And last.... well, you'll just have to wait until tomorrow to see that!

In the meantime, here's some cake!


  1. Happy Anniversary Rose!!!

  2. I like everything on your should have an "all of the above" choice. :D ;D

    :-* CM

  3. Congrats to you!

    Two years is a long time!

  4. Rose,

    I can't decide! I love everything about your blog, especially the funny posts!! I just selected them all *sheepish grin*


  5. This is a bit late, but I did want to wish you many happy returns on such a momentous occasion! Keep on writing!


Welcome, and thank you for taking a few minutes to share your thoughts with me! I do love reading all and any comments. =] Please note that I do moderate, and any comments that do not meet with my standards and approval will be deleted. Thank you!