June 8, 2008

A Week in Feminine Dress ~ Day 6

Today is Sunday and I can dress up! 'Tis slightly cooler today (so far), and I am wearing a pretty yellow cotton dress from Erika. (Could not find a website. It is a clothing brand.) These are really nice dresses, and we have at least five that we have gotten from various thrift stores. This one is my favorite.

With it -since the neckline is slightly low - I am wearing a cream sparkley shrug that I crocheted.
Here is the back, and you can see the lovely shell pattern that makes this shawl so versitale. Depending on the yarn you use, it can be very elegant or something for every day! If anyone is interested, I'll post the pattern for it.

To keep the shawl in place, I fastened it with a broach I was given for my graduation, I belive. It has a gold bow at the top, with a glass teardrop containing a mustard seed on the bottom.
To keep my hair out of my face, I am wearing a pretty, yet simple headband that I found at Wal-Mart. From what I have seen in stores this year, it would appear that large gold circles are "in"!

The necklace I am wearing today is a chain I had lying around, along with a medal of the Sacred Heart which a dear friend of mine bought in Rome and had blessed by the Pope! The chain is a bit short, so this is more of a 'dressed up' necklace.

For earings, I am wearing these giant white (porcelain, I think) roses from my grandma. I don't wear them alot, due to the size and weight, but after you have them on for a while, they don't feel quite so heavy!

And that is my lovely summer outfit for today!


  1. Lady Kathleen MavourneenJune 8, 2008 at 9:19 AM

    I love the outfit (though I took the photos). :{

  2. Very pretty! I think this is my favorite so far! I love the dress! and medal..



  3. I love that dress! I wish I could see what the neckline looked like though- would you mind posting a picture of that? (even if it's just laying on a table or something and not on you)

  4. Hey! I just noticed you have a link to the Knights Seminarians' blog! Very cool!


    P.S. I'll have to send you the link to the PCPA's in Arizona blog. It is very cool too!

  5. OH WOW! I LOVE IT! Beutiful! Good job Amanda, ahem! sorry I forgot: Good job Miss Fox Turner!:)
    God Bless,
    Miss Elizabeth Swan:)

  6. Captain! Capitan Fox Turner!

    Thank you very much luv, I mean, Miss Swan.

  7. I particularly love this outfit! The dress is so pretty, and the shawl is a nice little touch.



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