December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas To All!

The Story of Christmas, in Photographs

The Annunciation - The Angel Announces that Mary will be the Mother of God

The Innkeeper brings the Holy Family to the Stable

Joseph readies the stable for Mary

Mary and Joseph rest and pray

Angels come to the Stable

The Christ Child is Born

The Shepherds Asleep in the Fields

The Shepherds Are Awakened by the Arrival of the Angels

The Angel Expresses the Birth of Christ to the Shepherds

The lives of the people of Bethlehem

The Shepherds kneel before Jesus

The Shepherds spread the news of Christ's Birth to the townspeople

The townspeople adore Jesus

The three Kings travel to Bethlehem

The Three Kings visit King Herod

The Three Kings give gifts to Jesus

May the love of Christ our Lord
Be with you this day,
To guide you and to hold you
As you go upon The Way.

Merry Christmas!


  1. I think I found you!!! Were you the inkeeper?!?!

  2. Lovely photos, Amanda! (Although I know credit goes to Mrs. D). ;)

    Merry Christmas, and thank you for your sweet gift! I love it!

    In Him,
    Your Fairy Godmoth


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