February 15, 2009

Human Being are the Fruit of Love

The great projects of the living creation point to a creating Reason and show us a creating Intelligence, and they do so more luminously and radiantly today than ever before. Thus we can say today with a new certitude and joyousness that the human being is indeed a divine project, which only the creating Intelligence was strong and great and audacious enough to conceive of. Human beings are not a mistake but something willed; they are the fruit of love. They can disclose in themselves, in the bold project that they are, the language of the creating Intelligence that speaks to them and that moves them to say: Yes, Father, you have willed me...

Pilate is correct when he says: "Behold the man". In him, in Jesus Christ, we can discern what the human being, God's project, is, and thereby also our own status. In the humiliated Jesus we can see how tragic, how little, how abased the human being can be. In him we can discern the whole history of human hate and sin. But in him and in his suffering love for us we can still more clearly discern God's response: Yes, that is the man who is loved by God to the very dust, who is so loved by God that he pursues him to the uttermost toils of death. And even in our own greatest humiliation we are still called by God to be the brothers and sisters of Jesus Christ and so to share in God's eternal love. The question about what the human being is finds its response in the following of Jesus Christ. Following in his steps from day to day in patient love and suffering we can learn with him what it means to be a human being and to become a human being.
~ Benedictus: Day by Day with Pope Benedict XVI


  1. Hi Rose,
    I just wanted to get back to you and I did not know where to post a reply, so I figured I would post on your blog if that is okay.

    I have read the Fairy Tale novels. I am not yet on the forum. If I join, which I hope to soon I will let you know.
    Thank you for visiting on my blog. I hope to see you back there and I hope to get to know your interests in reading a little bit more. If you think I should add any books to my blog let me know. I just need to have read them before I can cover them.
    Thank you again,
    Phoenix A. Cullen

  2. Did you know that Bl. Damien is going to become a Saint?!?!?!?!


  3. Who is going to?

    Hey, Rose! This is Nenetta from the FT fourms. Nice blog!


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