May 20, 2015

An Unexpected Sabbatical

I didn't intend to take a blogging sabbatical, after my last post but at first any ideas I came up with seemed to... frivolous?  And then after that I just got so busy with work and work and school and finals and I simply didn't have time to sit down and blog.

But I am done now with school for the semester, and done with one of my two jobs and I've had a little over a week to simply unwind and relax from the stress.  

So I am back, for the time being, and I have a few post ideas lined up alone with some exciting news that I can't share with you quite yet.  (Spoilers! ;-) ) Don't worry, I'll not keep you in suspense for long and no, you hopeful hearts, it is not relationship related.  (Yes, I know how "exciting news" automatically means "Ahhh! Engaged!!!!" to many of us girls.)

It is a little odd to find myself with only one job, after nearly two years of working two jobs, and no classes for at least a few weeks.  I've actually had time to... sit and read, or run errands, or get my hair cut, and clean my room.  I've only had one schedule to keep track of.  I finally have a chance to breathe again.

Now, if the weather would only stop jumping back and forth from 50 degrees to 80 degrees every other day and pick a nice 70 degree range in the middle, that would be perfect.

1 comment:

Welcome, and thank you for taking a few minutes to share your thoughts with me! I do love reading all and any comments. =] Please note that I do moderate, and any comments that do not meet with my standards and approval will be deleted. Thank you!