September 12, 2014


1.  Today, I worked on homework for my wine class.  Sort of.  I've been really terrible with doing homework so far this semester... it doesn't help that three weeks into school and between holidays and classes being canceled, I haven't had a full week or any assignments.  So that makes the little bit I do have very easy to procrastinate on.

2. My Katniss Cowl is coming along nicely!  The scarf portion (above) is nearly finished, and the vest portion is next.  I had to increase it a little to make it my size, so I'll have to do the same with the vest.  I've not done much alteration with patterns before... so we'll see how that goes.

3. Today I went shoe shopping!  All my winter shoes wore out at about the same time, unfortunately, so today I got paid and started replacing my basic black and browns and heels for Sundays and fancy occasions.  The brown shoes are soooo comfortable!

4. New tea!  I wanted something spicy and fall, so I picked up a cranberry blend, Fire Light Chai and Chocolate Chai.  They are all very good and perfect for the sudden fall weather we are having!  We dropped from a high of 85 to a high of 65 over night and September is definitely here now!

5. I got over my fear of lighting matches yesterday, and now I realize that I love lighting candles. Light ALL the candles!

6.  Despite the rain, Sis M still had soccer practice so I volunteered to drive her out.  I bought my first pair of yoga pants today, they are so comfortable and I can't believe I've never gotten around to getting a pair before!  I was only going to sit in the car, so there was no changing!  I spent the hour sort of reading homework, but mostly blasting music and sending videos to my boyfriend and pretending to be Elphaba while making a video while singing "The Wizard and I" that may or may not end up on YouTube. Maybe.

Now I'm back at home, enjoying a Sam Adams Pumpkin Harvest ale and grilled cheese, and about to watch Mom's Night Out with my family.  Have a good rest of your Friday!


  1. Hahaha I love you. That chocolate chai tea sounds amazeballs.

  2. OMZ! I just saw moms night out on Saturday! What did you think?


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